Legally prescribed maintenance measures and general inspections of separator systems

General inspection – costs and requirements explained

What does a general inspection cost and why is it essential? Here you will learn all the legal details and requirements.

General inspection of separators in brief

  • The average cost is around 1,000 euros.
  • Upon commissioning and every 5 years as required by law.
  • Semi-annual maintenance by an expert is required.
  • Monthly self-inspection advisable.

Legalrequirements: General inspection on commissioning and every 5 years

The general inspection of separator systems is essential to ensure proper condition and, above all, leak tightness.

In order to meet water management requirements, a general inspection of separator systems at the commissioningcommissioning and every 5 years. The condition of the system must be checked in detail and documented by an expert.

The following standards must be taken into account:

  • DIN 1999-100 / 101 for light liquid separators
  • DIN EN 858-1 and DIN EN 858-2 for light liquid separators
  • DIN 4040-100 for grease separators

The inspection must ensure that the systems comply with the legal requirements, function properly and, above all, do not cause any environmental pollution.

Additional semi-annual maintenance by an external expert

To ensure the functionality of the separator system, maintenance must be carried out at least every six months by an external expert, an LK service technician.

Advantages of separator maintenance:

  • normative requirements are met,
  • Operational safety,
  • longevity of your system and thus value retention,
  • operating logbook.
Legally prescribed maintenance measures and general inspections of separator systems

Legally prescribed maintenance measures and general inspections of separator systems

Regular monthly self-inspection

In addition to the maintenance and general inspection, a monthly inspection is necessary to continuously monitor the condition of the system.
Compliance with this interval ensures that the separator system always meets the water management requirements and remains fully functional.

The self-inspection must be carried out by a competent employee who has been trained by an expert. Alternatively, a specialist company such as LK can be commissioned to carry out the inspection intervals.

In order to obtain the necessary qualification to carry out the monthly self-inspection of separator systems, we are happy to support you with an expert training course with proof of participation.

What is checked during a general inspection?

Mechanical tests

As part of the general inspection, all mechanical components such as the coalescence stage and drainage system are checked. Pumps, valves, seals and pipes can also be checked.

It is checked for wear, corrosion and leaks to ensure that the technical condition of the system meets the technical and legal requirements.
In addition to the function, the most important test point is the tightness of the separator system, which is tested and recorded using approved measuring probe technology.

Electrical tests

Testing the electrical and electronic equipment is another important part of the general inspection. This involves testing the functionality and correct calibration of the oil storage control system and level probes. This guarantees that the system works safely and efficiently.

Testing a separator system during the general inspection

Testing a separator system during the general inspection

How does a general inspection work?

Before the inspection

Some preparations are necessary before the general inspection is carried out. This includes making an appointment with a specialist company and providing all relevant documents such as the operating log, documentation of the separator system and the building permit.

The system should be cleaned and completely drained beforehand.

Alternatively, a disposal vehicle can be on site to carry out the emptying before the general inspection.

During the inspection

During the inspection, the expert carries out a comprehensive check of the system.

This includes

  • the inspection of the entire structural condition of the system incl.
    warning system,
  • Check the functionally relevant fixtures,
  • Assessment of the superelevation,
  • Leak test,
  • Nominal size check,
  • and documentation for the operating logbook.

After the inspection

Once the inspection has been completed, the inspection report is handed over to the operator. This report contains an exact description of the condition of the system as well as recommendations for rectifying defects and for further maintenance.

It is crucial that these recommendations are implemented promptly in order to ensure the operational safety of the system.

What does a general inspection cost?

Average costs

On average, the cost of a general inspection is around 1,000 euros. Depending on specific requirements and additional services such as any repairs that may be required, this can of course vary somewhat.

Factors that influence costs

The costs of any additional services required, such as a disposal company, should also be taken into account. If the operator does not have a disposal company at hand, the specialist company commissioned with the general inspection can usually also organize the disposal of the separator system.

Legally prescribed maintenance measures and general inspections of separator systems

How you can prepare for a general inspection

Good preparation for the general inspection can save time and money. Make sure that all relevant documents are available and that the system is accessible and clean. Plan the inspection in advance and inform all employees involved about the procedure and the importance of the inspection.

Conclusion: The importance of a general inspection

Regular maintenance and inspections help to prevent environmental damage caused by water-polluting substances and ensure the operational safety of the system.

By complying with the legal requirements and having inspections carried out by qualified or expert persons, operators can extend the service life of their system and ensure that it operates properly.

Support from LK Metall

Are you looking for help or support with the general inspection and maintenance of your system or light liquid separator?
Feel free to contact us or find out more about our general inspection and maintenance service.


  • Adrian Flachenecker

    Verfahrensingenieur mit umfassender Fachkompetenz in der Wasseraufbereitung Unser Experte für Wasseraufbereitung, Umweltschutz, Ressourcen schonen, Edelstahl-Anlagenbau, individuelle Lösungen, Metallbau.

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