Machine enclosures as a space concept

Machine enclosure guide for 2024

It is hard to imagine industrial production without machine enclosures. They not only provide protection for people and machines, but can also make a significant contribution to productivity.

Advantages of a machine enclosure

Safety aspects

The physical barrier provided by an enclosure should not be underestimated: It protects employees from injuries caused by moving parts, hot surfaces and prevents body parts or tools from entering hazardous areas.

Noise protection

To protect people’s health and safety, employers must also take noise protection measures. A noise-reduced working environment also helps employees to concentrate. Machine enclosures can reduce the noise level to a minimum.

Dust and dirt protection

Dust and dirt in moving parts or electronics lead to premature wear and breakdowns in sensitive machines. Enclosing machines with seals and air filter systems extends the service life of machines.

Types of machine enclosures

There are normally three types of machine enclosures:

Fixed enclosures

This type of enclosure is permanently installed. It therefore offers maximum protection and stability. It is ideal for machines that are constantly in operation and whose location is not changed.

Mobile enclosures

Mobile enclosures are flexible and easy to transport. This makes them ideal for machines that are moved frequently. They are easy to set up and dismantle. However, they do not offer the same level of protection as permanently installed enclosures.

Modular enclosures

This variant consists of individual, prefabricated modules that can be customised as required. The modular design based on the building block principle allows for quick assembly. This makes them flexible and easy to expand. As the individual modules are reusable, they also contribute to sustainability.

Maschineneinhausung einer bereits bestehenden Anlage

Maschineneinhausung einer bereits bestehenden Anlage

The best material: unequivocally metal

Metal is used almost exclusively for machine enclosures. It is durable and low-maintenance

  • Aluminium is particularly suitable when high strength and corrosion resistance are required.
  • Steel is often used for its high strength, robustness and weather resistanc

The choice of material can also depend on the individual requirements. Sometimes combinations of materials can be suitable to meet high demands in terms of stability and flexibility.

Wood and plastic enclosures are hardly conceivable in the industrial sector and are therefore more suitable for the hobby sector.

Wetterfeste Schallschutzeinhausung an einer Shredder-Anlage

Wetterfeste Maschineneinhausung an einer Shredder-Anlage

Choosing the right machine enclosure

Size and shape of the machine enclosure

An enclosure must be adapted to the dimensions of the machine – it is important to ensure that there is enough space for operation, maintenance and ventilation. Complex machine shapes often require customised solutions.

Protection requirements

When purchasing a machine enclosure, it must be determined which protective properties are required. Are there danger zones that need to be shielded? What special requirements are there for sound, heat or dust protection?

Cost factors – very individual

The cost of machine enclosures depends on the material, size, location and the required properties and functions.

Unfortunately, it is therefore almost impossible to give an average estimate. Please contact us for an individual consultation.

Nach Umbaumaßnahmen: Die Maschineneinhausung von LK Metall reduziert den Lärm.

Nach Umbaumaßnahmen: Die Maschineneinhausung von LK Metall reduziert den Lärm.

Installation and maintenance of a machine enclosure

Installation steps

  1. Machines are measured and requirements for the enclosure are defined. This is followed by the selection of materials and components.
  2. Once the load-bearing profile frame has been constructed, the wall, roof and floor elements are attached.
  3. Installation of viewing windows, doors, ventilation and lighting systems, cable ducts, etc.
  4. Professional assembly and cabling

Prefabrication often takes place in the factory, final assembly on site.

Maintenance and cleaning requirements

A machine enclosure requires regular maintenance and cleaning in order to be operated in the long term. This includes a visual inspection in which regular checks are carried out for damage, soiling and corrosion. The surfaces must be cleaned with suitable agents. Components such as doors, ventilation systems and lighting should be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Careful maintenance and cleaning can significantly extend the service life of a machine enclosure.


Machine enclosures are an indispensable part of a modern industrial environment. They offer comprehensive protection for employees and machines. They also extend the service life of machines and improve efficiency and productivity. Choosing the right enclosure is crucial for this. The size and shape of the machine, protection requirements and available financial resources must be taken into account.

Outlook for future developments

The future of machine enclosures will be characterised by modularisation, sustainability, digitalisation and customisation. Modular and flexible systems offer shorter project lead times and cost savings. Sustainability and energy efficiency are also an unbroken trend. In addition, an appealing design that blends seamlessly with the visual accents of the corporate identity is becoming increasingly important. Innovative machine enclosures with AI-supported sensor technology will be in particularly high demand.

Expertise and solutions from LK-Metallwaren

With over 160 years of experience in plant construction, LK-Metall has already realised countless machine enclosures and soundproof cabins for industrial companies of all kinds.

You are welcome to find out more about these topics on the linked pages or contact us directly.

